A website developer MUST consider these things when creating websites

A website developer MUST consider these things when creating websites

A web development has a number of elements like design, graphics, images, media files, navigation, etc. But there are certain things which are a must for website development. Without them, you cannot get a successful website. These are the key features that you should take care of while developing and designing your website.

    • Originality – A copied website can never gain success. Originality is the main ingredient of an effective website. Whether it is the web content or the graphics, you must have an original data for your website. Even a percent of copied data lowers your standard in seconds.


    • Validate your website – After developing the website completely, do not think that your job is done. You need to check your website for errors and flaws with a HTML validator. HTML validator checks your website as per the standards laid down by World Wide Web Consortium. Also, do not forget to check your website’s compatibility with all the major browsers.


    • Use of CSS – Try to make maximum use of cascading style sheets and HTML. Use of style sheets allows easy modification after checking errors.


    • Color combination – Colour combination is one of most important elements of web designing. Different colours have different impact on human minds. Thus, use decent and classic colour combination that suits your website theme.


    • Page indexing – Manual addition of your website to the popular search engines is more effective than addition through automated systems.


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