Common mistakes in Website Designing

Common mistakes in Website Designing

Difficulty while reading the content

This is one of the most common mistakes seen while designing a website. The web designers over look the website content over the website design. They prioritize web design first and then all the other elements. But remember, the textual content in a website is the most important things. The content of the website plays an important role in SEO and makes the website more usable and informative too.

The two reasons behind the difficulties while reading the website content are small sized font and improper colour contrast. The background colour should be dark and the font colour should be bright enough to be visible properly.

Finding out the hypertext links

Initially the hypertext links were distinguished by underlining the common text. But nowadays, people use blue coloured text for hyperlinks. This confuses the readers.

Sometimes hyperlinks are highlighted with dark colour over the dark background. Thus, users who are colour-blind find it difficult to make out the links.

Scattered visual content

Some websites are over loaded with options that users find it difficult to access the site at ease. Too many sections in navigation can also create confusion.  Some websites have images that are not really required and have no meaning in the webpage. Such data should be avoided and the website should appear visually clean to the user.

No keyboard access

Some websites do not provide the integration of the website functions with the user keyboard. This adds to a barrier for the user in accessing the website as ease.

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