Useful tips for CSS coding in website development

Useful tips for CSS coding in website development

CSS layout websites are dynamic and flexible. The websites based on CSS and HTML are easy to use, compatible with most of the browsers and don’t consume much time and money. Here are some tips that will help you in coding a better CSS layout for a better website development.

    • Arranged coding – While creating a CSS code, do not mix all the types of together. Write the code in a proper manner based on either alphabetical order or similar types of code can be put together. This will render easy modification of CSS code later on.


    • Size of style sheet – A small size of style sheet will not only load the website faster but also keep you away from redundant codes. Thus, maintenance of up-gradation of CSS code will become easier.


    • Proper naming – the names of classes and ids should be given in such a name that you are able to find them quickly the next time while writing the code. This will save your time.


    • Group similar elements – While coding, you can group the similar elements of the code. This will help you from repeating the styles.


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