Website Design: Visual communication is a must

Website Design: Visual communication is a must

People love visual communication. People find it boring to read huge paragraphs of website content. Thus, this can be diluted by use of visual communication. This is also increase the website usability. But that doesn’t means you fill the entire website design with loud graphics. Smartness lies in making use of proper visual communication that seems logical to the users. Here a few elements you should consider to make the visual communication in your website successful.

    • Size – Images or objects bigger in size do grab the visitor’s attention. Thus, important objects on your website can be adjusted to a bigger size so that the user should first have a look at it.


    • Colour – Colour is an integral part of visual communication as colour has a psychological effect on human minds. Different colours have different effects on human minds. Bold colours with appropriate contrast make your website more creative.


    • Contrast – When you make use of colours, take care of the contrast too. You cannot have a dark colour object on a dark colour background. Users will find it difficult to locate the object. Thus make use of correct colour contrast


    • Spacing – All the visual elements should be properly space within themselves. Overcrowding will have an exact opposite impact.


    • Density – It means the content and visual elements’ density in the website. It should be optimum. Using both content and visual elements will spoil the visual communication. Thus, use either of them but wisely


    • Style and texture – You cannot have a cartoon visual image in a corporate website design. Thus, style should be taken care of. Also, use classic textures that go along with the website’s objectives.


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