Proof reading tips on your website

Proof reading tips on your website

Before submitting your website to the client, always check for errors. A error-free website will reflect a professional image of yours. But if the website has a lot of errors, the client might look upon you as unreliable and you haven’t worked hard for the website. Thus, always focus on eliminating all the errors before giving the website to the client. Below are few proof reading tips that one must follow to eliminate errors in the website as much as possible.

    • You must check for the web content and web layout first. Read the entire website content to get the overall output of the website.


    • Also, consider the grammar errors while proof reading the text. Make sure you dig out all the grammar and punctuation errors and fix them. Some mistakes might confuse the readers and this might lead to wrong delivery of message


    • Read the headings, sub headings, internal content, quotes etc in a backward manner. This is a method of checking the error word to word.


    • Recheck all the numerical data which includes contact numbers, statistical data etc.


    • Lastly, check the website as a whole. Look out for typography if it is going well with the website. Check out the flow of the website if it is simple and clear.


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